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Thursday 17 April 2008

UKSG Conference 2008

I attended and presented at the UKSG (United Kingdom Serials Group) 2008 Conference this year. Much of the conference was written up at Here are some general thoughts an reflections on the proceedings.

It really struck me how complex the world of Digital publishing is becoming and that the publishers themselves are struggling with this. Although many of the publishers are increasingly using 'Web 2.0' style technology for delivery, very few (if any) are actively engaging the user in the process. So User Generated Content was not a phrase I heard very often. However, libraries seemed to be slowly acknowledging the challenges and opportunities. I attended an interesting breakout session on 'Library 2.0' where the presenters had identified that one of the biggest Web 2.0 barriers was staff knowledge and essentially they engaged on program of upskilling staff, so they could better understand and use these technologies.

I was left with the impression that the commercial side of the publishing process is struggling with the new tools and methods that are available en masse and cheaply. However. the conference also emphasised the importance (perhaps unsurprisingly) that one the key values a publishing house brings to the process is credibility and this will be difficult to erode with technology but if publishers want the credibility to remain valued they will have to think of ways of making sure that their markets acknowledge it and price themselves accordingly.

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